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2018-08-22       来源:未知      编辑:      

Hattrick Award for EuroEyes

帽子戏法奖 —— 三大重量级奖项授予德视佳眼科


EuroEyes, the largest independent clinic group for eye surgery in Germany, has been offering the entire spectrum of refractive surgery for the correction of ametropia for more than 25 years. Dr. Jørn S. Jørgensen, founder, owner and medical director of EuroEyes, is one of the most sought-after German eye specialists.

德视佳眼科是德国最大的独立眼科诊所之一,25年来一直在为屈光不正的矫治提供全系列的屈光手术。 德视佳眼科EuroEyes的创始人兼医疗总监约根森博士则是最受欢迎的德国眼科专家之一。


The EuroEyes Managing Director has over 30 years of experience in eye surgery and is a pioneer in the field of refractive surgery and cataract surgery with more than 100,000 successfully performed eye operations. Dr. Jørn S. Jørgensen - and thus EuroEyes - succeeded in winning three of the most important titles in 2017.




German champion in the implementation of ReLEx smile



EuroEyes has made the most ReLEx smile laser eye corrections in Germany. The ReLEx smile treatment enables a particularly safe and gentle correction of the ametropia. The decisive advantage: With ReLEx smile, the eyes can be lasered without a "flap". The procedure is gentle on the eye, the cornea remains stable and flap complications are excluded. This minimally invasive treatment is the first choice for the correction of myopia, corneal curvature and dry eyes.



European champion in ICL lens implantation



From Copenhagen to Munich - Dr. Jørn S. Jørgensen has implanted the most ICL lenses in Europe. EuroEyes thus helped patients with severe myopia to see well again. EuroEyes was awarded by Staar Surgical for this record performance. EuroEyes is working closely with Staar Surgical on the further development of the ICL lens.



World champion in the implantation of trifocal lenses



For the third year in a row, EuroEyes has implanted the most trifocal lenses. EuroEyes has successfully performed more than 50,000 trifocal lens operations, demonstrating its expertise in the field of refractive surgery.



Trifocal lenses are highly developed artificial lenses. The use of trifocal lenses allows vision at different distances without glasses. The treatment with trifocal lenses is a first-class method for the correction of presbyopia and can also correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.


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