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2021-10-29       来源:第一财经网      编辑:z0011      
NetspringStudents Exhibition during the 8thFranco-Chinese Environmental Month with the theme

“Earth Resources in the Eyes of Children”

Tech4Good – When waste becomes art!


Did you know that there is a beautiful castle inShanghaithatis home to a children’s library?

This is Jing’an Children’s Library! The library is elegantly situated on the banks of the Suzhou River, next to Butterfly Bay. The main building was designed in the Queen Anne Revival style, making it the only children’s library in Shanghai to be shaped like a castle. The Jing’an Children’s Library provides young readers with modern facilities and a lush environment filled with fun and excitement.

On October 27, 2021, Jing’an Children’s Library was honored to host a special cross-cultural event: The opening of the “Earth Resources in the Eyes of Children” exhibition opening and a students’ drawing competition awards ceremony. Dr. Séverine Boué, Consul for Education, Embassy of France / Consulate General of France in Shanghai, attended with our distinguished guests.

This is the first Netspring and Maverlinn joint- exhibition to support students’ digital and creative talent. This collaboration aimed at showcasing their artwork and encouraging underprivileged children’s digital and painting talents. Since 2013, Netspring IT Programs and Maverlinn Art Classrooms have combined technology and art with environmental activities.

Discovering the exhibition will surely take your breath away! Could you imagine the Five Elements—metal, wood, water, fire, and earth—combined with environmental protection? We are especially grateful for a French artist’s enthusiastic support and inspiration for the exhibition! Starting with the concept of the Chinese “Five Elements”, he organized the students’ artworks and created symbols for each of the element in an original scenography. Each element, linked to an Earth resource - minerals, forests, rivers, energy, and soil, from which we can start protecting our planet. Please come and visit!

E-waste is without a doubt a major source of environmental pollution. However, through “Tech4Good and e-waste recycling” initiatives, we can make a difference in digital learning and art. Since 2019, Netspring Green IT Programs have taken part in the “Franco-Chinese Environmental Month”, organized by the French Embassy in China. The event aims at raising public environmental awareness whilst strengthening the cooperation between China and France in the field of environment. 

We therefore organized a competition in support of underprivileged schools to encourage their students in three categories: painting & drawing, digital painting and coding animation. Our aim was also to develop students’ awareness for the protection of nature and Earth’s resources, whilst also stimulating their imagination, creativity, and artistic expression. 

From the collection of more than 400 artworks, we selected the most outstanding to be exhibited hope to arouse public awareness for protecting our Earth's resources!

Highlights of some excellent works:

Coding animation

Drawing & Painting

Digital Painting

​Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Jing’an District Library, Jing’an Children’s Library, French Embassy in China, Consulate General of France in Shanghai and our partners DIOR, Faurecia, Virtuos and Arkema for their great support to our students’ art exhibition!

Exhibition dates: October 27 - November 21, 2021

Tuesday to Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm (Closed on Monday)

Venue: Jing’an Children’s Library (28 Kangding East Road, Jing’an District)

We cordially invite you to visit the exhibition and start your immersive tour!

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